Ascension & Whitsunday package
- 3 nights including breakfast with local and homemade products.
- 2 times a four-course dinner on the day of arrival.
- 1 time 5-course culinary treat dinner.
Book now
Standaard de luxe | € 542,- p.p. | |
Superior deluxe / Wellness Superior | € 587,- p.p. | |
Junior suites | € 617,- p.p. | |
Suites & Wellness suites from | € 647,- p.p. |
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7=6 package or 14=12
Come and enjoy the hills of South-Limburg with this perfect package:
- 7 nights and you just pay 6.
- 7 times rich breakfast with local and homemade...
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Wild package 1 & 2 nights
From October 2 to December 10
Wildpackage 1 night
From € 174,- per person per night.
1 night including breakfast with local and homemade products.
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